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Yoga. Mindfulness. Qigong.

Whatever your motivation, yoga, mindfulness, and qigong are powerful practices that can bring about positive personal and collective change. At their heart these disciplines offer freedom, strength, and healing. I’ve found them - quite literally - to be life changing. I’m convinced you will too.



Freedom through movement




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Yoga means different things to different people. It’s a constantly evolving and changing practice - that’s its beauty. I teach a yoga that is both traditional and experimental. It is inspired by and respectful to the rich cultural history of the tradition, whilst integrating cutting-edge learning on the human body and borrowing from other movement disciplines.



Freedom through stillness



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Mindfulness is not limited to a conventional sitting meditation practice; it’s a way of being fully engaged in the world, in every moment. Through the practice we cultivate a calm, clear, and kind awareness. I teach a secular mindfulness practice that remains rooted in the wisdom of its Buddhist origins. If you are looking to be more effective in your life, and to make skillful choices this practice can help you.



Freedom through healing

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I offer yoga, mindfulness, and qigong in both private and public contexts to individuals, corporate clients, and the wider public.

If you’re a beginner just starting out, more experienced and want to go deeper, or want a bespoke plan tailored for your goals, you’re in the right place.



Working 121, we’ll develop an intelligent, tailored plan to fast-track you towards your specific goals.


I teach public classes at top studios across central London. Come join me! I’d love to see you there.


I offer yoga classes designed specifically for men, who often have ‘problem’ areas or are less flexible.